Providing a place for soccer fans, regardless of being competitive or not, to socialise and find a sense of belonging through the beautiful game by playing, talking, watching and breathing football.


Club Aims:

  1. To provide a place for all soccer fans, regardless of being competitive or not, and to socialise and find a sense of belonging.
  2. To introduce and promote the culture of soccer, getting more students to know and understand the game.
  3. To bring together fans of the sport to discuss and appreciate soccer.
  4. To encourage more people to be involved in soccer activities and contribute to the enrichment of the university’s community.

Mailbox 171
Level 4, Building 168
University of Melbourne VIC 3010


SAS Futsal Session
20th May 3pm - 5pm
Melbourne University Hockey Pitch
Come down, play some friendly soccer, and chat with other like minded soccer fans. MEMBERS ONLY.