Test Figma

Figma for test news


Figma Pilot

Craft your own visual magic! Introducing Figma.

The Design Team at UMSU have crafted an optional template that you can easily use to quickly promote your events online and on campus. Yay!

What's a Figma?

  • Figma is a design tool that you can use to create your own promotional graphics. We've created a template for you in Figma that you can use to quickly craft your own design. Think of it like a creative bowling alley with super intuitive bumpers up.

  • As you update changes to the main components, all instances that use that component are replicated, making editing so much quicker and easier!

  • When ready, Export your assets for review by filling in a 'Request a Project' Form and BOOM, done! Remember: The Design team need to approve your graphics before they go live!
    HINT: The Design Team are here to help with their expert advice and guidance. So don't be afraid to submit.

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