Thinking Futures: A Reading and Writing Workshop!

Thinking Futures is a reading and writing workshop based on the importance of utopia and the collective imagination of socially and ecology just futures. Taking place on 13th & 20th October from 1-3pm.


What: Thinking Futures: A Reading and Writing Workshop!


  1. Friday 13th October 1-3pm
  2. Friday 20th October 1-3pm

Location: Rowden White Library, Level 3, Student Pavilion, Parkville VIC 3052 Parkville Campus (MAP)

Registration: LINK

Thinking Futures is a reading and writing workshop based on the importance of utopia and the collective imagination of socially and ecology just futures.

Over two sessions we will read feminist, queer, and First Nations speculative fictions and theory alongside writing exercises that prompt us to envision futures worlds centred on the places we call home.

This two-part workshop is led by Another World Library, a research and art project, based on the importance of imagining socially and ecologically just futures in community.

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