We are a team of volunteers from a wide range of fields, and collectively we recognise the wide discrepancies in healthcare and education access around the world.


Founded by a group of university students, Australian South Asian Healthcare Society is a national university-based charity organisation, focused on improving the living and health conditions of the underprivileged in the sub-continent. Australian South Asian Healthcare Society holds local events to raise funds and awareness namely in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and every few months sends a team of students and professionals to these areas as part of our Volunteer Program. 

Club Aims:

  1. To raise funds for local and overseas charity projects and give students the opportunity to travel and work in DMC projects such as schools, hospitals and orphanages.
  2. To hold unique and diverse events that are run at a national level.
  3. To integrate communities and schools with university students by holding events in combination with other community organisations and with schools.
  4. To hold student education and conference session where guest speakers talk about their experiences and future opportunities.
  5. To encourage fellow university students to be a part of the awareness, interest and passion ASHS has towards multicultural events and our diversity as a university group.

Mailbox 118
Level 4, Building 168
University of Melbourne VIC 3010