Burnley Committee

The Burnley Students Department Committee is responsible for:

(a)   setting the direction of Burnley Student Association Department;
(b)   developing policy;
(c)   making regulations relating to the operations of the Burnley Student Association Department;
(d)   developing and administering the Burnley Student Association Department budget      and finances;
(e)   overseeing grants to students;
(f)    direction of the BSA coordinators; and
(g)   implementing the aims and objectives of the Department and of UMSU.

Current Membership

The voting Representatives of the Burnley Students Department Committee are elected from Members who are enrolled in a higher education course at the Burnley Campus. The Burnley Students Committee consists of the Burnley Campus Co-ordinator as a non-voting member and 7 voting members. The current members and the tickets they were elected on (if any) are:

Burnley Campus Co-ordinator

Jake Duyvestyn

Voting Members

Vacant (no nomination received)

Vacant (no nomination received)

Vacant (no nomination received)

Vacant (no nomination received)

Vacant (no nomination received)

Vacant (no nomination received)

Vacant (no nomination received)


2023 Minutes 


2018 Minutes