Interested in homebrewing and craft beer. We are the club for you!

The Melbourne Brewing Club is a vibrant and passionate community of homebrewers and craft beer enthusiasts based in the heart of Melbourne. The club came into existence when a group of like-minded students decided to turn their passion for brewing into a welcoming community. With a focus on promoting the art and culture of brewing, the Melbourne Brewing Club has become a central hub for beer aficionados seeking camaraderie and a platform to share their brewing adventures.

Club Aims:

  1. To foster a community of young brewers.
  2. To provide social events for beer enthusiasts.
  3. To provide an opportunity for further growth in the food and hospitality sector.
  4. To provide practical educational experiences outside the classroom.
  5. To complete our own club brew.

Mailbox 77
Level 4, Building 168
University of Melbourne VIC 3010