We represent students studying at the Southbank campus of the University of Melbourne.
Wominjeka! Yumalundi! Hello! 你好! Kamusta! Bonjour! Salut! 안녕하세요! Ciao! こんにちは! Hola! Hallo! Jambo! שָׁלוֹם! העלא! Vaṇakkam!
We are here for you - Fine Arts kiddos!
What do we do?
We host free weekly events, engaging conversations, and run campaigns to shed light on issues affecting students at our campus.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you are in need of support, representation, or just want to get involved! We are based out of the Southbank Library, in the UMSU Space on Level 2, The Hub Building (walk all the way to the top of the second set of stairs in the library). Drop by business hours and we can have a cuppa and a chat!
Monday: 12.30pm - 2.00pm
Tuesday: 12.15pm - 2.00pm
Wednesday: CLOSED
Thursday: CLOSED
Fridays: By Appointment
Check out our events page to know more about what we are running!
Southbank Team
Campus Coordinator

Ariel Teo
What can I help you with?
Anything and Everything! However and whenever!
Education Office Bearer

Felicity Liston
What can I help you with?
I am your academic endeavours guide! If you need any assistance on how to help you with your academic work, come to me and I can help guide you to the right sources!
Activites Office Bearer

Justine Light
What can I help you with?
I am here to help make your time here at Southbank FUN. Together with the Southbank Team, we make magic happen here at Southbank!
Reach Us
Southbank Email:
See you soon!
2024 Southbank Committee Meetings:
Meeting 1(24): /pageassets/communities/southbank/Minutes-124-UMSU-Southbank-Committee-Meeting-Minutes.pdf
Meeting 2(24): /pageassets/communities/southbank/Minutes-224-Southbank-Committee-Meeting-Minutes-01042024.pdf
Meeting 3(24): /pageassets/communities/southbank/Minutes-324-UMSU-Southbank-Committee-Meeting-3-15.4.24.pdf
Meeting 4(24): /pageassets/communities/southbank/Minutes-424-UMSU-Southbank-Committee-Meeting-29.4.24-1.pdf
Meeting 5(24): /pageassets/communities/southbank/Minutes-524-UMSU-Southbank-Committee-Meeting-5-1.pdf
Meeting 6(24): /pageassets/communities/southbank/Minutes-624-UMSU-Southbank-Committee-Meeting-6-Copy.pdf
Meeting 7(24): /pageassets/communities/southbank/Minutes-724-UMSU-Southbank-Committee-Meeting-6-Copy-copy.pdf
Meeting 8(24): /pageassets/communities/southbank/Minutes-824-UMSU-Southbank-Committee-Meeting-5-August-2024.pdf
Meeting 9(24): No meeting held.
Meeting 10(24): /pageassets/communities/southbank/Minutes-1024-Southbank-Committee-Agenda.pdf