Union Mart

You should never have to go without food or other necessities

Union Mart has become a staple on the Parkville campus. It provides a variety of food, drink and household products for free to all students. In 2024, the Union Mart will be expanded to combat the increasing pressure inflation places upon students. Students should always have access to the essentials, it is not a luxury; it is a necessity.

Union Mart operates upon a no-questions-asked honesty system. We ask that students take what they need as opposed to what they want. Our product range is largely determined by what we can source at the lowest prices, however, we acknowledge that the University of Melbourne is home to a diverse range of cultures and so we intend to cater to the widest range of diets possible to ensure that all members of our community have access to what they need.

What time is Union Mart open?

Union Mart will operate the following hours for semester 1 2024 (weeks 1 to 12):

  • Monday: 10:00 am - until we hit 150 people
  • Tuesday: 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm (Southbank Campus)
  • Wednesday: 10:00 am - until we hit 150 people
  • Thursday: 10:00 am - until we hit 150 people
  • Friday: 10:00 am - until we hit 150 people
  • Saturday: CLOSED
  • Sunday: CLOSED

Please note that these times may change depending upon supply and volunteer availability.

Union Mart in 2024

Union Mart is moving towards a points system in 2024. Essentially, each student can choose how they spend their points to ensure they are accessing products they need.

How many points do I have?

Each student has an allocated 30 points per week.  These points do not stack up over weeks. All items within Union Mart will be assigned a point value that is proportionate to the cost of that item when purchased by Union Mart. Students are able to take whatever they like as long as their total spend is less than or equal to 30 points and within product caps.

What about product caps?

Product caps will be put in place for some products depending upon the level of stock we have available. These will be clearly signed around Union Mart.

Sponsored products?

Union Mart is proud to supply a variety of sponsored products. These products cost 0 points but will have firm product caps.

The end of ticketing

Union Mart will no longer require registration in advance. We will now operate on a physical queueing system. We have a daily cap of 125 students per day with no student able to come more than once per week. This product cap is intended to be expanded if later budget changes occur.

The new structure of volunteering

Union Mart is proud to introduce three new distinct volunteer roles. These are General Attendants, Delivery Drivers, and Union Mart Managers. This is to ensure that all volunteers can find a task suited to their skills and experience. Further, we intend for these roles to serve as valuable experience on resumes to aid future employability.

Managerial Discretion and the Reserve Fund

Union Mart has set aside a portion of our budget to be put aside each week for the Reserve Fund. This Fund can be accessed by any student who requires extra points, needs access out of hours, needs to attend more than once per week etc. This is purely an honesty system and we ask that people only request to access the Reserve Fund if they are in genuine and urgent hardship.

Apply for the Reserve Fund here .

Check out what we have to offer in our catalogue

View Union Mart catalogue

Where is Union Mart? Union Mart has a new location!

It is now located in G30, Building 1888. 

We share this space with Unimelb Food Relief, to deliver a range of food relief programs including SecondBite Frozen Meals, Fresh Food Project Boxes and more programs to come.

Find us here:

Feedback and product issues

We love to hear back from the community on ways we can improve Union Mart. This can be our service, the products we purchase etc. We would also appreciate feedback on things we are doing well. The feedback form can be found here.

Contact Us

The Welfare Department is here for all students, irrespective of their nationality, race, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. If you are trying to deal with an issue and are not sure who to turn to, we can point you in the right direction. If you are ever unsure of anything, feel free to shoot us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can, or come visit us in our offices. We are located on Level 2 of Building 168. 

Email: union-mart@union.unimelb.edu.au