The Melbourne Venture Club is dedicated to assisting students with great ambitions but lacking channels to understand the market. Approaching from the perspective of market investors, we help them clearly and precisely grasp the key points of early-stage investment, laying a foundation for their future entrepreneurship. Furthermore, we aim to help students and scholars who aspire to pursue a career in investment to establish a venture capital knowledge system, cultivate innovative abilities, and enhance their professional competitiveness. At the same time, we hope to serve as a bridge connecting outstanding students with top investment institutions in China and Australia, offering in-depth collaboration opportunities for those passionate about entrepreneurship.


  • Fostering Entrepreneurial Spirit: By offering industry reports, resources, and guidance opportunities. We aim to cultivate the entrepreneurial mindset of the University of Melbourne students, assisting those interested in starting or exploring new industries.
  • Networking and Collaboration: Organising entrepreneurial competitions to bring together students from various faculties and disciplines. Furthermore, collaboration with venture clubs from universities in Australia, China, the US, and other countries will allow students to gain insight into the latest directions in various industries.
  • Knowledge and Resource Sharing: Providing a centralised resource, tools, and guidance repository for students passionate about entrepreneurship, ensuring that all members have the information required to transform their ideas into viable ventures.
  • Engagement with the Industry: Through lectures, seminars and panel discussion with frontline institutions, investment banks, brokerages, successful entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and other stakeholders, we bridge the gap between academia and the business world, ensuring students are aware of the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
  • Platform Provision: By accumulating resources, the club can offer firsthand consultation and guidance for students with entrepreneurial ideas or those looking to intern at early-stage investment companies. Additionally we can facilitate opportunities for them to present their ideas to frontline investors.

Mailbox 138
Level 4, Building 168
University of Melbourne VIC 3010