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Two women wearing colourful clothes and stand facing the left hand side of the room, against a bright orange background. Their arms are slightly lifted, showcasing 'small movements'. Small Movements
10th-11th October
Guild Theatre, Level 2 Arts and Cultural Building (Building 159), Parkville campus
Tiny gems, performed quietly on a small stage.
2nd-5th October
Guild Theatre, Level 2 Arts and Cultural Building BN 159), University of Melbourne 3010
Nothing... Really nothing. Nothing... Nothing at all. NOTHING TURNED OUT LIKE I THOUGHT IT WOULD!
Two hands coming out of a purple curtain, squeezing the curtain, as if holding/ hugging an invisible body. Body Talks
3rd October
Guild Theatre, Level 2 Arts and Cultural Building (Building 159), Parkville campus
An afternoon of moving conversations about dance, choreography and the body.