Middle-Aged Professor Cheekily References Month-Old Internet Trend

<p>In an act of cheekiness, a middle-aged professor has used her last PowerPoint slide of the semester to reference a month-old internet trend. The professor, Angela Withers, who teaches health policy at the University of Melbourne, finished up her final lecture of the semester with a PowerPoint slide that contained nothing but the University of [&hellip;]</p>


In an act of cheekiness, a middle-aged professor has used her last PowerPoint slide of the semester to reference a month-old internet trend.

The professor, Angela Withers, who teaches health policy at the University of Melbourne, finished up her final lecture of the semester with a PowerPoint slide that contained nothing but the University of Melbourne logo and a single, stale meme.

“It didn’t even make sense,” said Joel Zhou, a student who was in attendance at the lecture.

“It was one of those ‘Who Killed Hannibal?’ memes with Eric Andre,” he said. “Except the first panel just said, ‘Bang bang!’ and the second panel was like, ‘Good luck with exams and have a great break!’”

An awkward ripple of laughter reportedly went through the lecture theatre, while students tried not to meet the eye of professor, who was clearly proud at her own audacity for creating the meme, which hasn’t been seen on mainstream Twitter for several weeks.

The Grub reached out to the professor, who is definitely at least 45 years old, for comment.

“I have a teenage daughter, so I understand a lot of things about young-people culture that some of my co-workers probably don’t,” she said.

“I know it’s a bit cheeky, but I think it’s important to connect with students on their level.”

“I get most of my memes from Facebook,” she said. “My favourites are the ones that have those little yellow creatures with goggles.”

Headline by Joel Lee.
Article by Jesse Paris-Jourdan.

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