The Melbourne University Birdwatching Society (MUBS) is a passionate community of avian enthusiasts and citizen scientists; dedicated to the documentation, observation, and photography of the diverse avian species, especially in the Melbourne Area. Our society is dedicated to promoting the joy of birdwatching, fostering a deeper understanding of ornithology, and connecting individuals who share a fascination for feathered creatures.

MUBS is committed to fostering a greater awareness and appreciation of birds and their habitats among the wider University of Melbourne community. MUBSs’ mission is to nurture a collective passion for avian life through outings, social events, educational opportunities, and dedicated conservation efforts.

Whether you're an experienced birdwatcher or a complete novice, the MUBS welcomes you to join fellow twitchers! To stay updated on our activities, events, and regular outings, follow us on social media and become a member of our vibrant, inclusive birdwatching community.

Club Aims:

  • To cultivate and nurture a passionate and inclusive community of bird enthusiasts at the University of Melbourne;
  • To actively engage in avian conservation as citizen scientists, contributing to scientific knowledge in the local region;
  • To facilitate safe, enjoyable, and accessible bird watching activities for members;
  • To raise awareness about the importance of avian conservation and advocate for the protection of bird species and their habitats;
  • To accomplish the above aims in an ethical and environmentally responsible manner.

Mailbox 127
Level 4, Building 168
University of Melbourne VIC 3010