Event Description

Week 1 Screening: Beau Travail (1999)

26/07/2024 - 26/07/2024 3pm - 6pm

353 Interactive Cinema Space, Arts West

Film Society

Filmsoc is officially back for Semester 2! And what a way to start off the semester. This week we will be watching what many believe is Claire Denis' magnum opus, and a particular all-time favourite among many of our committee! So if your new to Filmsoc or a seasoned regular of our screenings, you are more than welcome to come along, grab some pizza, chat with others, and watch a movie to wind down after a tiring first week.

And after the film, feel free to join us down at The Clyde Hotel for after-film drinks and discussion!



Foreign Legion officer, Galoup, recalls his once glorious life, leading troops in the Gulf of Djibouti. His existence there was happy, strict and regimented, but the arrival of a promising young recruit, Sentain, plants the seeds of jealousy in Galoup’s mind.


Where: Interactive Cinema Space (353), Arts West

When: 3pm, Friday

Watch the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh4HzACZOOQ

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