Event Description

Chariot Journal 2024 AGM

2/09/2024 - 2/09/2024 6:15pm - 7:15pm

Arts West North Wing - 253 and Zoom

Chariot Journal

Hello Charioteers,

Our 2024 Annual General Meeting is coming up soon!

This year, our AGM will be taking place on Monday the 2nd of September at 6:15pm. We will be holding it both in-person (Arts West North-Wing 253) and online (Zoom), so if even if you aren’t on campus, we encourage you to still come along.

At our AGM we will select Chariot’s new committee for 2025, so if you’re interested in getting involved with Chariot in a more hands-on way than just publishing your works with us, we strongly recommend attending the meeting to put your hand up.

The roles that we will elect new people for are:

  • President
  • Secretary/Treasurer (one combined role)
  • Lead Editor
  • Operations Director (social media)

Anyone who is a current student at the University of Melbourne is able to nominate themselves for one of these positions, and you can do so during the AGM or beforehand via email to chariotjournal@gmail.com. If you’re really unable to attend the AGM but still want to be considered for a role, make sure to nominate yourself to us sometime in the days before the meeting, and we will let you know of the outcome immediately afterwards.

Even if you aren’t interested in taking on a committee role, we still strongly encourage you to come to our AGM, as we require 20 Unimelb student members to be present in order to allow the meeting to go ahead and be able to vote properly. Also, there will be pizza for those attending in-person!

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