OmniSci Special General Meeting
OmniSci Special General Meeting
25/03/2025 - 25/03/2025 5:15pm - 6:15pm
Room 119 (L1), Sidney Myer Asia Centre, Parkville Campus
OmniSci Magazine
OmniSci Magazine wishes to formally invite you to attend our Special General Meeting (SGM). At the SGM you will have your chance to vote and/or run for an open Executive position (Secretary) on the club committee, ask questions of the current committee to see what they’ve been up to and give suggestions for things the club can do in the future. We will be providing FREE SNACKS and greatly appreciate your support that enables our club to continue operating.
If you intend to come along for the SGM, please ensure that you are a member! It's free, and the link is here.
The SGM details are as follows.
Date: 25th March 2025
Time: 5.15pm
Location: L1 Room 119 Flexible Learning Space, Sidney Myer Asia Centre
The SGM is essential in ensuring that you have an opportunity to contribute to the running of OmniSci and so that we can continue to execute our exciting plans for the club’s future.
We look forward to seeing you there!