Event Description

Conversations with Ann Liang and Yizhen

13/09/2024 - 13/09/2024 6pm - 8pm

Room 101, Building 189, University of Melbourne

Passion Fruit Projects

Good food, excellent insights, and even better company – this’ll be a night of magic and music, life lessons and laughter. Our conversations will be guided by the sacred wisdom of two of Unimelb’s brightest stars, but we warmly encourage participation from all esteemed guests (that’s you!) to enrich the dialogue. Candles and cake and cool people in conversation … What's not to like?

Get your tickets here!

Guests: Ann Liang, NYT bestselling author + Yizhen, @yizhenyz Youtube, 200k+ subscribers
Date: Friday 13 September
Location: Building 189 Room 101, Parkville Campus (*not a bar!)
Time: 6pm - 8pm
Ticketing: $7 PFP members, $15 non-members 

Disclaimer: unfortunately this event involves zero bar drinks (alcoholic or otherwise). Tea party nibbles and drinks will be on offer – BYO mug for warm beverages, otherwise we will have paper cups available!

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