Alain Nguyen (writer), Annette Syahlani (writer), Ashleigh Barraclough (writer), Conor Day (writer), Daniel Beratis (data), Patrick Clearwater (data)
<p>Welcome to the Farrago liveblog of the University of Melbourne Student Union election results.</p>
Welcome to the Farrago liveblog of the University of Melbourne Student Union election results. We’ll be posting results for all positions live from the count room as they come in. Alain Nguyen and Annette Syahlani will be giving you live analysis during the presidential count. Data is provided by outgoing general secretary and regular Farrago contributor, Daniel Beratis, and Patrick Clearwater.
You can view the full data of their results here.
Ashleigh Barraclough and Conor Day are also contributing to this report on counts as they progressively come in.