Students' Council Round Up: 2(22)

Giddy Up! Yeehaw! First Council of the new year!


You've just yee'd your last haw.

Welcome to the Farrago UMSU Students' Council Round Up, where we tell you what's happening at your Student Union.


ICYMI: Amelia Bright (Community) is now UMSU General Secretary. The motion to appoint Bright was moved by 2021 General Secretary Allen Xiao (Community) and seconded by Councillor Ngaire Bogemann (Stand Up!). Bright was 2021 Queer Officer and was elected as the Queer Students Representative on Council for 2022.

You get a resignation! And you get a resignation!: There were four changes to membership yesterday. Yuvhashni Sugunan Pillai resigned as Welfare Officer; Jennisha Arnanta as General Secretary; and Anisha Bunsee as Activities Officer. Activities Co-Office Bearer Sami Zahir tendered his resignation to be reappointed with another member to the office, in accordance with Section C.69 of the UMSU Constitution. 

Halal Food Policy: Electric Boogaloo: 2021 People of Colour (PoC) Officer and 2022 Students of Colour Representative on Council Mohamed Hadi passed the Halal Food Policy Motion for the second time after minutes passing the motion were lost. Classic.

SAlt v Students’ Council: Socialist Alternative (SAlt) brought forward two motions to Council yesterday: 11.3 UMSU Endorses the Campaign to Stop the Menzies Institute in 2022; 11.4 UMSU Stands for Social Solidarity and Public Health, Not Business as Usual. Both motions pass however, not without thorough debate and amendments. Opposition against Action Point 2 off 11.3 saw heated discussion about protesting during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Best New Haircut of Council: Goes to Southbank Officer Alex Birch. He’s bringing buzzcut season back.

Biggest Disappointment of Council: Jordan Di Natale, former Stand Up! hack and resident Italian Stallion, only made one appearance that lasted only five seconds.

Best Speaker of 2(22) Council: Goes to Josh Davis (Independent Students 4 Democracy). You just have to listen to him speak for yourself.

Next council will happen “sometime next Semester 1”, according to President Sophie Nguyen.


If you want to read more about what happens at Council, you can find meeting minutes on the UMSU website, depending on whether or not the General Secretary does their job.

See you cowboys soon for the next Farrago Round Up. Giddy up!

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