You've just yee'd your last haw.
Welcome to the Farrago UMSU Students' Council Round Up, where we tell you what's happening at your Student Union. Last Council happened on Thursday 7 April at 12pm.
Last Council was a short one and our new General Secretary Millie Macwhirter’s first. What a time to be alive. You can read the livetweet here.
Media cancelled?!: Council 5(22) saw the Welfare Office raise some concerns against the Media Office. In response, the Media Office responded to these concerns with a long, written statement in the Matters Arising from the Minutes section. However, the minutes being reviewed were not the minutes from Council 5(22) and therefore, relegating Media’s twenty-minute long statement as irrelevant. Media may not be cancelled, but Media was embarrassed. You can read what the statement discussed in the livetweet.
Creative x Uber: Moira (EdAc) poised a question for the Creative Department about payments for Uber rides in their OB reports. Marcie (Creative) replied that they had paid for Ubers to attend Creative Department events as they could not via public transport, and were ensured that they could be reimbursed as the Ubers were for Creative Department work. Interesting!
UMSU International to Affiliations Budget: Y’know, when this happened, it seemed innocent enough. A motion to move some money from the UMSU International Budget to the UMSU Affiliations Budget Line was passed to help support a new organisation for international students: Australian International Students Association (AISA). Honi Soit last week revealed that National Union of Students (NUS) Office Bearers have “allegedly seriously mismanaged the organisation’s finances” through a contract related to building AISA. What does this mean for UMSU? Stay tuned x
Where tf is the Ikea Bear?: She’s gone. She hasn’t made an appearance in quite some time. Chelsea (Enviro) however, wants you to know that she was wearing the Taylor Swift folklore Cardigan. Okay?
Best Zoom Name of Council 6(22): It's hard to stay interested during Council so here's a new award. Here are the contenders:
Benito (Clubs):
- Bean Burrito
- Beekneeto
- Bineto
- Beneto
Jesse Gardner Russell:
- Didn't see any special names but sifu hotman Jesse Gardner-Russel did introduce himself as "Wang Fire" when I commented on his fire nation Avatar picture, so I'll go with that. (Anon)
Not sure what ‘sifu hotman’ means so I’m giving it to Benito. Nepotism is real!
Best Speaker of Council 6(22): Here are the votes! We’re voting now!
- Mohamed (1)
- Josh Davis (1)
- Jasmien [sic] (1)
Josh Davis needs to lose once to humble him, so I’m giving it to Jasmien [sic] this Council. Admittedly, Jasmine didn't speak once this Council but it was the mispelling of her own name paired with the last minute vote for me!
Statement from ISD: I received a statement from ISD in my inbox last Council. It’s cute enough, I’ll allow it. It is from our new Gen Sec Millie: Hi all! Whilst I am genuinely surprised by the election results, I am grateful to have been involved and elected. I am beyond excited about the opportunity to be General Secretary and keen to get working with UMSU and support them and their commitment to student welfare. I am thrilled to have run with ISD, a gorgeous group of people, and eager to meet more friendly faces and get started in the role.
Next Council is happening Week 8, Friday 29 April at 1pm.
If you want to read more about what happens at Council, you can find meeting minutes on the UMSU website, depending on whether or not the General Secretary does their job. You can also read the Farrago livetweet on our Twitter.