Talking To The Moon, hosted by Mary Chen, recently joined Radio Fodder’s 2021 line-up. The show is based on emotions and Mary unpacks a different emotion in each episode, from a personal perspective as well as a scientific approach.


Talking To The Moon, hosted by Mary Chen, recently joined Radio Fodder’s 2021 line-up. The show is based on emotions and Mary unpacks a different emotion in each episode, from a personal perspective as well as a scientific approach. By teaching Fodder listeners how to analyse and better understand their emotions, Mary hopes that Talking to the Moon will enable them to connect with themselves on a deeper level and have a better sense of control over who they are. To date, the emotions discussed include love, joy and surprise. Anger, sadness and fear will be analysed in upcoming episodes.

“[The show is] about helping people to release anxiety and pressure in their life.”—Mary Chen

The idea for the show started when Mary heard about ‘the loneliest whale’. The loneliest whale is a whale in the ocean whose call frequency is different from other whales. This makes it extremely difficult for this whale to communicate with others as no one can respond to it, so it’s left to swim all alone in the ocean. Poor whale! Mary expanded on the story and said that “everyone is like this loneliest whale... we all have this part that no one can really understand” and connect with.

“I want [my audience] to feel that they’re being understood... and that they’re talking to their soul [and] reflecting on the emotion I’ve just introduced.”—Mary Chen

Mary hopes to collect other people’s experiences and anonymously share them on her show. If you have had a particularly alarming or memorable encounter with an emotion, you are more than welcome to share this experience. Send a message on Instagram @talkingtothemoonshow or on Weibo @TalkingtotheMoon_Radio if you would like your story to be anonymously featured in an episode. Mary also thoroughly researches each emotion so she can share its scientific aspects. Look out for collaborations with wellbeing clubs too!

“I don’t want to make [my listeners] feel that they have to learn something from the show. I want things to be easy to understand.”—Mary Chen

The show’s incredible artwork is by Tereza Ljubicic, and perfectly encapsulates the idea of floating aimlessly in a pressured society. Mary knows that people tend to be more emotional come nightfall, so she decided to air her show at 8pm to accommodate for this release of emotions. Each episode finishes with a bedtime story—it’s perfect if you want to relax and connect with yourself.

You can catch Talking To The Moon and a new emotion each Tuesday at 8pm on Radio Fodder. If you want to catch up on previous episodes and emotions, they are all uploaded on the show’s YouTube channelTalking To The Moon Radio.

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