La Mama Award for an Emerging Theatre Maker

La Mama is proud to offer this award to an emerging writer or theatre maker. Get an opportunity for a 2025 residency space (1 week) at La Mama Headquarters.


La Mama Award for an Emerging Theatre Maker

La Mama is proud to offer this award to an emerging writer or theatre maker who has demonstrated passion and determination in presenting their ideas and works as part of the 2024 Union House Theatre (and associated) program.

The Award offers:   

  • An opportunity for a 2025 residency space (1 week)  at La Mama Headquarters as
  • An opportunity to chat to artists, administrators and theatre folk of all stripes
  • UHT and La Mama will work with the winner in making industry connections and involving them in industry events wherever possible.


To apply you must be a local or international student currently enrolled at The University of Melbourne (including students at the Victorian College of the Arts and the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music); you may be a graduating or a continuing student.

Residency Dates: May 26 - June 6   


Closing Date midnight, Sunday 13 October, 2023

Please email applications to with the subject “La Mama Award”

Electronic applications should consist of the following:

  • cover sheet with contact details/address/telephone number and email address;
  • a short biography (100 words);
  • a statement detailing how a residency at La Mama residency will be used/ what you plan to explore (max. 150 words);
  • what you aim to get out of the opportunity (max. 150 words);
  • Confirmation of your ability to make these residency dates, applications that do not meet this criteria will not be considered.
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