Uniting those interested in any and every aspect of film making, the Melbourne Filmmakers Collaborative is a society dedicated to the production and exhibition of student films.
Sign Up Instructions:
1. Login to the umsu website using your student username and password.
2. Use the product menu on our club page (right hand side on computer screen or bottom of page on phone) to add a $5 membership product to the basket.
3. Click "View Basket", which appears in place of where you clicked to add to basket, then checkout.
4. (Optional) complete a short online form to tell us a bit more about you and your interests: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17QVfFtAo9r3yOUAmOYzWp7R_JRq6fTpwiiJ3CohCg6M/viewform?edit_requested=true
Club Aims:
Mailbox 125 Level 4, Building 168 University of Melbourne VIC 3010