Whether you're a writer dying to bring your script to life, a cinematographer with a vision, or a newbie learning how to hold a boom mic, UMFC shares a passion for any and all aspects of student films


Uniting those interested in any and every aspect of film making, the Melbourne Filmmakers Collaborative is a society dedicated to the production and exhibition of student films. 

Sign Up Instructions:

1. Login to the umsu website using your student username and password.

2. Use the product menu on our club page (right hand side on computer screen or bottom of page on phone) to add a $5 membership product to the basket.

3. Click "View Basket", which appears in place of where you clicked to add to basket, then checkout.

4. (Optional) complete a short online form to tell us a bit more about you and your interests: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17QVfFtAo9r3yOUAmOYzWp7R_JRq6fTpwiiJ3CohCg6M/viewform?edit_requested=true


Club Aims:

  1. To provide a place for individuals interested in film production to meet others with similar interests.
  2. To provide valuable experience for those wanting to work in the filmmaking industry and develop the skills needed for a successful career in cinema.
  3. To act as a pool for creative output, allowing individuals with varying skills to collaborate their talents and work towards a common goal.
  4. To promote the film industry and generate excitement and enthusiasm for the process of filmmaking.


Mailbox 125
Level 4, Building 168
University of Melbourne VIC 3010



Bi-Annual Pitch Night
21st March 6pm - 9pm
Room G07, Sidney Myer Asia Centre