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Gleam Up Beauty, Business and Science

We explore diverse areas in the artistry, business and science of the beauty industry. Our networking events & publications aim to enrich your university experience via our shared passion for beau


Gleam Up – Beauty, Business and Science seeks to bring together a community of students that are keen on furthering their interests in the Beauty Industry, both in the science and business sectors. By holding a diverse range of events, we aim to bridge the gap between industry professionals and students, as well as raise awareness about career-related opportunities to students of all degree backgrounds. We hope to encourage students to achieve their ambition in this growing industry.

Club Aims:

  1. To connect students to cosmetics industry, as our clubs aim to serve as a platform to educate, empower, and provide practical professional experiences, such as networking events, company/lab visits and work shadowing.
  2. To organise events and workshops as mediums to broaden students’ future career possibilities in the business and science fields within the cosmetics industry.
  3. To provide a creative diverse environment for students to express their interests and share their opinions about beauty and cosmetics.
  4. To deconstruct misconceptions about the cosmetics industry and increase awareness about sustainable and environmentally conscious practices and brands’ ethical corporate and environmental responsibility.
  5. To provide practical leadership opportunities for students to develop themselves through memberships and executive roles.

Gleam Up Beauty, Business and Science

Mailbox 1
Level 4, Building 168
University of Melbourne VIC 3010