Founded in 2010, WISE aims to inspire, promote and celebrate female and non-binary students in STEMM through an inclusive community. We host professional development, networking and social events.


The aims of WISE are twofold: provide female and non-binary identifying students in STEMM a fun and supportive community full of new friends and inspirations, and to provide our members with the necessary skills to take charge of their career (i.e. professional development workshops and networking). Anyone committed to the cause of improving gender equity in STEMM can be a member, and we welcome volunteers and new members! Our most regular (and dare we say “best”) events are the free Coffee and Cake events for our members, which are a great opportunity to introduce yourself to our friendly committee and get a delicious treat.

Club Aims:

  1. To build networks between science and engineering students and professionals in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields.
  2. To foster a supportive environment for female and non-binary science and engineering students by holding regular events.
  3. To provide academic and career support to female and non-binary science and engineering students.
  4. To encourage women and non-binary people from all backgrounds to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields.

Mailbox 55
Level 4, Building 168
University of Melbourne VIC 3010

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Beer Pressure | Pub Night
20th March 6pm - 9pm
The Clyde [Beer Garden+Saloon]