The Emerging Markets Network (EMN) is Australia's inaugural student society focused on the finance, economics, and politics of the emerging world. Our topics of interest encompass, and stretch far beyond, China's financial markets, economic development within the APAC region, and the geopolitics surrounding the BRICS nations.

EMN strives to foster a community at the intersection of various disciplines, promoting a deeper understanding of the developing world through social and educational activities. Our industry-focused events are designed to connect students with potential career opportunities in emerging markets, offering a platform for networking and professional growth.

Club Aims:

  • To provide a supportive environment for students interested in the field of emerging markets that will foster their interest and connect them with like-minded peers.

  • To facilitate understanding of the dynamic mechanisms of capital markets and economies across the developing world.

  • To facilitate networking opportunities between students and financial institutions that specialise in emerging markets and economies.

  • To grow and foster a society alumni network that will allow members seeking career guidance and professional mentorship to benefit.

Mailbox 153
Level 4, Building 168
University of Melbourne VIC 3010