- We are a group of students that love the game of Arknights. We form a cohesive community of players just like a big family.

- As for activities, we often times host trivias, in-game competitions, watch life streams, we are also open to any events that is proposed with interest, we are super flexible

- Despite it seems like a tangent, the community also loves board games and cosplaying.

- Just join us for the fun, we are free this semester.

- We seek talents to participate in club administration, if you want to shine in a new club with your vibrant energy, please feel free to contact us.

Club Aims:

  • To create an inclusive and supportive community for players of the video game ‘Arknights’.
  • To emerge as a bridging platform among the international and local students.
  • To facilitate cosplaying and gotcha events for hobbies of minorities.
  • To host competitions for players to advertise and promote cohesion for the game.

Mailbox 130
Level 4, Building 168
University of Melbourne VIC 3010