A community that brings startup ideas into reality, connects students with venture capital partners to make meaningful societal impacts. VCi Labs aims to empower student’s creative spirit and make a real difference for students in the startup ecosystem.

Our goals:

  • Student engagement: Expose students to the exciting world of innovation and the venture capital space
  • Inspire: Ignite students’ passion for creativity and help them build meaningful startups
  • University-Industry connection: Connect students with industry partners to learn more about startups

Discover the exciting world of startups and learn more about venture capital. Join today!

Club Aims:

  • To foster an environment for students to collaborate and engage with others to iterate and grow ideas to maturity
  • To educate students on early-state investments by connecting them with successful founders, VCs, and financing experts
  • To engage the broader student community as a testing pool for ideas pitched by student members
  • To extend our social impact to favouring ideas that benefit financially and socially vulnerable communities and causes
  • To engage with relevant faculties (including the FBE) to achieve student involvement in developing start-up ideas and real-life problem-solving skills
  • To engage municipal governments and other institutions to collaborate on innovations to benefit local communities

Mailbox 158
Level 4, Building 168
University of Melbourne VIC 3010