We screen a diverse array of amazing films, every week! From the obscure to the well-known, from all around the globe. We love watching and talking about movies. Why not join us if you do too.

Free pizza, free drinks and a diverse range of amazing films, every week! Sign up for only $5 – an offer you can’t refuse.

Club Aims:

  1. To provide an opportunity for Melbourne University students to broaden their exposure to, and appreciation for film in all its forms.
  2. To provide another avenue through which students can meet new people with similar interests or passions.
  3. Enhance the education of Melbourne University students by improving their knowledge of cinematic history.
  4. Create collaborative events with other Melbourne University clubs and societies to promote different cultural backgrounds and interests in line with the above aims.
  5. To create a supportive environment for Melbourne University students to exhibit their films to an audience.


Mailbox 26
Level 4, Building 168
University of Melbourne VIC 3010



Weekly Screening - Film TBC
4th October 3pm - 6pm
353 Interactive Cinema Space, Arts West
Weekly Screening - Film TBC
11th October 3pm - 6pm
353 Interactive Cinema Space, Arts West
Weekly Screening - Film TBC
18th October 3pm - 6pm
353 Interactive Cinema Space, Arts West