Agriculture 🤝 Botany


Field trips · Social Events · Workshops · Tours · Gardening · Farming · Volunteering

Whether you know nothing about plants, or you’re a proud soil nerd - and whether you enjoy plants indoors, in the veggie patch, on your plate, or in nature – SAPS is a club you can call home.

Sign up to be a part of a group looking to appreciate the plants around us and the soil under our feet, and advocate for conservation and food sovereignty. 

Club Aims:

  1. To provide opportunities for people interested in homegrown garden produce and botany to meet and interact.
  2. To run events aimed at promoting a greater public interest in plant and soil science, food sovereignty and conservation, including field trips, laboratory tours, and guest presentations.
  3. To facilitate the exchange of garden produce and knowledge between students, promoting food sovereignty and ecology in food production.
  4. To bring together a network of volunteers interested in promoting home gardening, food sovereignty, and a greater appreciation of ecology in food production.
  5. To promote interest in the study of plant and soil science amongst students and the wider public.
  6. To promote the mental health and recreational benefits of botany and gardening.

Mailbox 66, Level 4, Building 168

The University of Melbourne VIC 3010