Event Description

CAFE goes to home.two!

20/06/2022 - 20/06/2022 noon - 2pm

Coffee Appreciation For Enthusiasts

CAFE end of exams event 1
yeaaaaaaaa mate 
yeah nah yeah nah
FREE COFFEE AND BROWNIE smileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmiley


members only xoxo 

if you're not a member on the day you can still sign up for the coffee and brownie heart

to take attendance we need you to get yourself a ticket cheers xx here is the link https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/cafe-goes-to-hometwo-tickets-368108110267 

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