Event Description

OmniSci Social Catch-up @ Science Gallery

30/08/2024 - 30/08/2024 11:30am - 1:30pm

Science Gallery, Melbourne Connect

OmniSci Magazine



Social Catch-Up - Science Gallery (Semester 2, 2024)

(Friday 30th August, 11:30am - 1:30pm – Science Gallery, Melbourne Connect) 


Keen to catch up with the OmniSci gang or get to know your fellow club members more over a cup of coffee? Want a time where you and your Issue 7 contributor group can meet to bounce ideas between each other and the committee? Looking for a way to just take a break and destress from the MST period?


If you answered yes to one or any of these questions, come along to our super chill ‘Social Catch-Up’ for the semester at the Melbourne University Science Gallery. We will be meeting at the Science Gallery Cafe where we will provide a FREE COFFEE from the cafe for attending OmniSci members and a cool place to chat. If everyone is feeling up to it,  afterwards we will head over to the new and very OmniSci-ey Science Gallery exhibition ‘Sci-Fi’ to see what amazing science art they have to offer this semester.


The event starts at 11:30am next Friday, but feel free to pop in and out as your schedule allows you to between 11:30am - 1:30pm.


See you all soon! ☕

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