Event Description

House Of Peace Week 9

17/09/2024 - 17/09/2024 5pm - 7pm

G18 Alan Gilbert Building

Power to Change

Have you wondered about who Jesus is but didn't know where to look 🤔😶‍🌫️? 

Have you wondered about what a close relationship 👯with Jesus is like but not sure about how?

What does Christianity say about money..... or anxiety..... or the future? 

Power to Change is a student-led community that is passionate about sharing who Jesus is with friends, family and our campus 💞. House of Peace is one of our many events where we celebrate as a community and spend time getting to know one another, and learn about who Jesus is ✝️ through a bible-talk. Anyone is welcome and this event is completely free for you 🤑!

Feel free to ask any of our committee members or missionaries if you have any questions and invite your friends!

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