Staff News #25 – 29 Aug 2022

1. Volunteer Program Review 2. New PCs arriving 3. Employee Management System


1. Volunteer Program Review
2. New PCs arriving

3. Employee Management System
4. Aboriginal Competency Workshop

5. Moving Updates
6. UMSU De-clutter Working Bee
7. AV Melbourne Closed
8. Whole-Org Calendar
9. Figma Tip of the Week
10. Good News from GPG
Important Updates

1. IMPORTANT: Volunteer Program Review — What's happening?

Earlier this year, UMSU began a detailed review of existing UMSU volunteering programs (formal and informal) to establish a management framework for programs and to ensure:

  • UMSU is meeting all legislative requirements in relation to volunteers;
  • The most effective and efficient processes and procedures are in place and are well documented;
  • Risks associated with the volunteer program have been identified and assessed with mitigation strategies determined; and
  • is maximising opportunities for volunteerism.

The contracted consultant was recommended through Volunteering Victoria, the state peak body for volunteering, focusing on advocacy, sector development and the promotion of volunteering. This review is in its final stages aiming to be completed by the end of September. The consultant has recommended no new programs commence while this review is being finalised.

The Volunteer Programs Coordinator role is currently vacant following unsuccessful recruitment campaigns for the position. Until this position is filled, please contact Dee Jarrett and Tim Lippis for volunteer program support.

2. PC Registration — New PCs arriving

To avoid future logistical headaches, please register your new PC with UMSU against your name online once it arrives. You can also find this link on the "Handy Links" page under HR Resources on the Intranet. This will help us ensure machines are kept track of by UniMelb and timely replacements can be organised when their date cycle ends.

IMPORTANT: If you are receiving a device on behalf of another user (e.g. an OB or a device intended for a hotdesk) ensure you register the device and not the user who will end up with it.

The second round of orders should be going out in the coming weeks. So if you haven't received an offer yet and believe your device is up for refresh, contact  Tim L.

3. People and Culture — Employee Management System

People & Culture are currently in the middle of investigating deploying an online Employee Management System across UMSU! We want to start preparing to go online and update some of our record-keeping systems. As such, we are in the process of digitising records across UMSU HR, and would like to ask for your help with this!

We are just hoping you could fill out this form! Completing this will massively help us when it comes to transitioning People & Culture systems online and also make it substantially easier for you to access your own information.

Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions by email or on 8344 4820.

4. Aboriginal Cultural Competency Workshop — Calling all casuals

We are now inviting any casuals who would like to attend a session to RSVP now!

The workshop is an amazing (and free) opportunity to develop an awareness of Aboriginal culture and identity.

While attendance is not required for casuals, we would still love to see you there!

Staff and casuals can RSVP hereRSVPs close Monday 5 Sept.

Deadlines / Dates
5. Monday 26 September— Moving Updates

UMSU’s relocation to Building-168 in the Student Precinct is still on track for Mon 26 Sept – Fri 30 Sept. All staff are advised to be finished with their checklists, packing, and labelling by Thurs 22 Sept.
Some pointers: 

  • Packing materials will be arriving early September and delivered to each floor
  • If it isn’t labelled it isn’t moving! Labels must include the destination room & building numbers
  • Everything to be moved must be in obvious spots e.g., your office or visible, shared spaces. If the movers can’t find it, it isn’t moving!

Check out the latest updates and resources for the move here!

6. 29 August - 2 September — UMSU De-clutter Working Bee
We have some Very Big Bins at Union House to help us with clearing out and decluttering ahead of the move. They arrived this morning (Mon 29 Aug) and will be whisked away on Fri 2 Sept in the afternoon. There are x3 general waste and x3 recycling 660L portable skips.
Tuesday-Thursday will be a worker bee bonanza! All staff, student reps, and volunteer directors are invited to participate in decluttering their offices, shared spaces, minds and souls.

Ciara has sent out some information including a must-read "10 Bin Commandments", which can also be found HERE
If there are any questions, get in touch with Ciara via email.

7. 17 September - 9 October — AV Melbourne Closed

A friendly reminder that AVMelbourne will be closed from 17 Sept to 9 Oct inclusive to facilitate the department's relocation to the Student Precinct.

The future location will include;

  • Dry Hire Service Counter and office accommodation (level one Doug Mac) and
  • AVM Production Store and Workshop (ground level – Arts & Cultural)

Any departments that may require AV support during this time should contact Xain immediately.  Please remember to go to AVMelbourne website to make any booking enquiries for equipment hire or production services for your upcoming events, keeping in mind they require at least 6 weeks lead time for medium to large scale event productions. 

For small scale events, AVM have a permanently installed PA System, Lights and Projector/Screen setup in the West Room of the Ida Bar. This system will remain active and bookable while the Ida Bar is open.

8. Whole Org Calendar— We got a Whole Organisation Calendar to help with planning!

We have a shared calendar to help with planning ahead as a whole organisation. This is not a calendar of events for the purpose of promotion – it is an organisation wide planning tool to help you plan events well in advance (think semester planning) that do not compete or conflict with other activities within the organisation. The calendar can also capture key days of significance relevant to your department or UMSU more generally; e.g. IDAHOBIT, R U OK Day, NAIDOC Week etc.

More info on how to add to your Outlook and about adding events here.

9. Figma — Tip of the Week!

Have you been using the Fabulous Figma? Here's a Terrific Tip To Type!
Press T to access the Type tool to edit text. 

Good News Stories
10. George Paton Gallery and Arts Lab — Open Day!

The Arts Lab and George Paton Gallery were a huge hit at UniMelb Open Day last weekend! Lots of prospective students and visitors enjoyed hanging out and exploring the Arts & Cultural Building. Thanks to Channon Goodwin's generous presence on the day. 
Info on exhibitions in the GPG can be found here. Come and visit!


Photo by Channon Goodwin

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