University of Melbourne Student Union news

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WF Staff News #1 - 21 May

Survey on your staff news
WF applications open
Playbook is live

Beware Cults on Campus!

UMSU is aware that a number of predatory cult organisations are attempting to recruit students on campus and surrounds.

President's News — 21 March 2023

UMSU Education will be running a series of workshop-style panels in the coming weeks called the UMSU Assemblies.

President's News — 13 March 2023

JOIN THE CLIMATE STRIKE, meeting at 12:30pm THIS FRIDAY at South Lawn on the Parkville campus..

President's News — 10 March 2023

Statement – Nauru Detention Centre Re-opening
Content Note: Discussion of detention of Asylum seekers

Staff News #1 – 6 March

1. Update your e-Signatures
2. SummerFest Staff Survey
3. Next Workshop: Wrap it Up (8 Mar)

Staff News (SF#3) - 23 JAN 23

1. SummerFest Design Packs Available
2. Reminder: Update Your Webpages
3. Invasion/Survival Day

Staff News #41 – 19 Dec

1. End of Year Closure Dates
2. Annual Leave Loading Payout
3. CME Training Workshops

Staff News (Special Edition) – 16 Dec

IMPORTANT: SummerFest 2023 Updates

Staff News #40 - 12 Dec

1. Union House FINAL closure
2. SummerFest update
3. Log into the website

Staff News #35 – 08 Nov

1. Covid Exposure
2. Poster Collection
3. The Ida Bar Closing

Staff News #33 – 25 Oct

1. WinterFest Stats Live
2. New Office Furnishings
3. Safe Food Handling

Staff News #32 – 19 Oct

1. UMSU Whole Org Meeting
2. SWOTVAC / Exam issues
3. Office Key Pickup

Staff News #31 – 12 Oct

1. Time to Unpack!
2. Access to 168
3. Building Defects

Staff News #30 – 04 Oct

1. Work from Home (3-7 Oct)
2. Access to Building 168
3. 168 Defect Form

Staff News – Special Edition: NSP Move

1. Date Changes for Relocation
2. Key Pick-Up
3. Getting to Building 168

Test Ida Bar packages

If you're an UMSU Club or Society or a Student Theatre Group then you can order your alcohol for your next event through The Ida Bar

Test Figma

Figma for test news

Test News Friday

More testing right here

Staff News #29 – 26 Sept

1. Moving Week – Final Reminders
2. Relocation Promo Packages
3. Building 168 User Training

Test time

This is a test news article for new way

Staff News #27 – 14 Sept 2022

1. Final Countdown: NSP Move
2. Keep Your Webpages Current
3. Public Holidays + Scheduled Events

Staff News #25 – 29 Aug 2022

1. Volunteer Program Review
2. New PCs arriving
3. Employee Management System

Staff News #24 – 22 Aug 2022

1. Moving Updates!
2. Reminder: Basecamp Response Times
3. Collect Your Sem 1 A1s

Staff News #23 - 15 Aug 2022

1. 'Request A Project' is back!
2. Figma: self-service design option
3. New Ida Bar booking system

Staff News #21

1. Building Aboriginal Cultural Competency Workshop
2. Pop-up COVID-19 Vax at Parkville
3. WinterFest Staff Survey

Staff News #6 - WinterFest

WinterFest Microsite LIVE
Acknowledgement of Country: Guidelines
Contacting the Events Team

Staff News #4 WinterFest - 6 June

WinterFest hoodies
Vote on your favourite name for UMSU font
Reprint finalisation extended

Staff News #3 WinterFest - 30 May

1. NSP Move Updates
2. Help Name the *new* UMSU Typeface!
3. Opt-in for IG Takeovers

Staff News WF #2 - 23 May

WinterFest 2022
Key dates and deadlines
Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group — EOIs still open!

Staff News #19 - 9 May 2022

Winterfest is coming
'Request a Project' closed for Sem 1
What's happening with the NSP?


Staff News #18 - 3 May

1. ‘UMSU stands with Palestine - BDS and Solidarity Policy’ motion
2. Reminder: Social Media Content Moderation
3. Social Media Posting Suspended

Staff News #17 - 26 Apr 2022

DIY designs
Incoming mail deliveries
Website tip - Alt-text

Staff News #15 - 4 Apr 2022

Covidsafe processes
Unimelb holiday - Easter Tuesday
Free flu shots

Staff News #13 21 March

New whole organisation calendar
Final day for Adobe requests
Creating repeating events on web

Staff News #12 - 15 Mar

New admin email
New credit card
Staff and OBs Adobe software request


Staff News #1 WinterFest - 16 May

New Student Precinct
Induction Refreshers
UMSU in the news

Staff News #16 - 13 Apr 2022

Easter break!
Events at UMSU
Job Opportunity: Operations Officer

Staff News #14 28 Mar 2022

Support to adjust your events
SummerFest Survey
Collect your A1 posters

Staff News #11 7 Mar 2022

Thanks for SummerFest
SSO and Staff logins on website
Help Desk moving

Staff News #9 - 18 Feb 2022

SummerFest is here
Major events next week
Website update

Reminder - Validate your Vax!

Don't forget to validate your vaccination status BEFORE you return to campus!  Every student attending campus MUST validate their vaccination status  (vaccinated or exempt)  beforehand if you haven't already.

Staff News #8 - 14 Feb

New website
Check links, events, news!
New intranet

Covid, and campus and ventilation - OH MY

Priority for returning to campus, preliminary to returning to campus.
Process for returning to campus and how UMSU supports staff and student representatives

President’s News – 26 August 2021

The President of the Academic Board has resolved that results from Semester 2 2021 will not be included in students’ WAM Calculation if they are below their current WAM benchmark. It is the exact same settings that were in place last year, on the back of UMSU’s initial WAMnesty campaign.

Staff News #7 7 Feb 2022

SummerFest 2022 — less than one month to go!

Staff News #6 - 31 Jan 2022

1. SummerFest Online: Hopin Info Session and Test Event
2. Covid Safe Planning for Department Events
3. SummerFest Key Dates and Info

The Legend of the Amulet: Special Consideration Exam Period Edition

Sometimes, it’s fun to imagine that the pursuit of your education is like a grand quest in the tradition of Lord of the Rings (especially if you are trying to procrastinate). After all, you are after that precious (a.k.a your degree).

Help! I have so much information in my head that I forgot to bring a pen to the exam!

There’s only so much information a brain can hold. All those books talking about the brain that can heal itself or neuroplasticity of memory can go and stuff themselves.

Lighting for Theatre – the Basics

UHT’s Jacob Shears takes us through the basics of lighting for a theatre environment

5 Steps to Sound Design

UHT’s Connor Ross takes us through the 5 Steps for making an effective sound design.

Using a Hand Saw

UHT’s Stage Carpenter/Mechanist Allen Laverty talks through how to use a hand saw correctly and efficiently.

Staff News #10 - 1 Mar

SummerFest update
Website SSO
Project reminders

UniMelb Vax Mandate FAQ

Everything you need to know about the University's recent vaccination validation deadline.


I object! Assessment Disputes and the Law (i.e.: University Policy)

There’s something really satisfying about watching Jim Carey over-enunciate and over-emote his lines in Liar Liar. Particularly “I object!”.

Shooting yourself in the foot: Academic Misconduct Exam Edition

You’re nearly there at the end. You can’t wait to clear that last exam so you can fall asleep with a straw feeding you milkshake intra-mouthly from that Maccas post-exam feast. It’s only 3 hours and you’re home free.

Using a Square

UHT’s Stage Carpenter/Mechanist Allen Laverty talks through how to use a square.

How to set up a Mic stand

UHT’s Head Technician Clynton Jones talks through the basics of how to correctly set up and pack up mic stands.

Fake Medical Certificates… not a big deal, right?

Everyone struggles at the end of semester. Sometimes the stress to meet deadlines or the pressure of sitting exams becomes too difficult for some students.

President’s News – 22 October 2021

CW // Discussions of sexual assault and harassment, without explicit detail.

UMSU welcomes the University’s recent Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy as?an important step forward in creating a safer campus.

A basic toolkit

UHT's Stage Carpenter/Mechanist Allen Laverty talks through the contents of a basic tool kit for making theatre sets.

Some things to know at the beginning of the semester

The beginning of first semesters at University have a particular magic to them – a sense of newness, re-invention, and of freedom. If you’re a first year, they’re the beginning of a course, shiny like glitter in the sun.