2013 Edition 2 Editorial

<p>We&#8217;ve never worked well within a theme. Bustling within these pages is the collective psyche of the student body–excitable, scruffy, and untamable. Literally defined as a &#8216;confused mixture&#8217;, even the dictionary thinks Farrago is a bit of a mess. But as your words started rolling in to fill these motley pages, collections of ideas seemed to [&hellip;]</p>


We’ve never worked well within a theme. Bustling within these pages is the collective psyche of the student body–excitable, scruffy, and untamable. Literally defined as a ‘confused mixture’, even the dictionary thinks Farrago is a bit of a mess.

But as your words started rolling in to fill these motley pages, collections of ideas seemed to emerge. Equal marriage rights (p. 16), Tasmania (p. 21), exchange students (p. 14), tales of refugee families (p. 42), and even the underground world o erotic fiction (p. 24)… Each story was about an oddball or a fringe-dweller. So, somewhere along the way, we began to think of this as the ‘outsiders edition’.

One of the great things about student media is its independence. Click-bait, shock jocks and High Lord Murdoch aside, we publish stories not because of the dollar bills they’ll bring in (as if there’s any money in publishing anyway), but because they deserve to be told. And while we think you’ll really enjoy these ones, it’s nice to know we can also give exposure to people or topics that are often pushed to the side. Farrago likes the underdog.

As editors we’ve now (ungracefully) fallen in the swing of magazine-making, but we still haven’t grappled back our social lives. Surviving on 50kgs of jellybeans and a constant stream of sickly sweet iced tea, we holed ourselves up for this one. The four of us kind of became outsiders to everything that wasn’t the Farrago office.

Regardless, we’re completely proud of this big hot mess, and we love Claire Kurzmann’s beautiful cover artwork that binds it all together. Submissions for Edition Three close on the 7th April. We’d love to add your stories to our motley crew.

Oddly yours,

The Eds.


All of the Thanks

Thank you as always to our megatalented and amazing contributors. You fill our pages and our hearts. Thanks to Thom for the giant jar of layout jellybeans, even if some of the flavours affront our mouths. Thanks to Golden Pains for giving Meg a much needed escape. Thanks to Alec, the Union House security guard who restored power to our office after it died mid-layout. Oh oh and Happy Birthday Emma! Yeah, I snuck it in.

And the Apologies…

To Tegan IversEn. We will forever remember how to spell your name. To Michelle See-Tho for editing typos INTO your article. On that note, to Josh Thomas for making you sound like you have a stammer. Our bad. Finally, to Simon Farley for leaving you out of the sub-edit list. You subbed and we know it!

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