Dragon Palace - Hiromi Kawakami 895.6 KAW
Gawimarra Gatherine - Jeanine Leane A820 LEA
Eugene Onegin: And Other Poems - Aleksandr Pushkin 891.7 PUS
Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk 810 PAL
The Fetishist - Katherine Min 810 MIN
The Factory - Hiroko Oyamada 895.6 OYA
The Gilda Stories - Jewelle Gomez 810 GOM
Normal Women - Ainslie Hogarth 810 HOG
Piglet - Lottie Hazell 820 HAZ
Hard by a Great Forest - Leo Vardiashvili 810 VAR
Ponyboy - Eliot Duncan 820 DUN
Days at the Morisaki Bookshop - Satoshi Yagisawa 895.6 YAG
Let Us Descend - Jesmyn Ward 810 WAR
Granta 165: Deutschland - 808 GRA
Whenever You're Ready - Trish Bolton A820 BOL
My Friends - Hisham Matar 810 MAT
Monkey - Che'eng-en Wu 895.1 WU
American Supernatural Tales - S.T. Joshi (ed.) 810.8 JOS