
UMSU has implemented additional health and safety measures to ensure your safety and wellbeing at our events. Please note that these conditions of entry apply to everyone attending all UMSU in-person events and are subject to change in line with Public Health advice.

All attendees will be required to comply with any current public health directions unless a valid exemption applies. Failure to comply with these measures may result in the attendee being refused entry or requested to leave.

If you’re coming to campus, make sure you carefully read the UniMelb guidelines so you know your responsibilities to help us keep our campuses safe for everyone. Don’t come to campus if you are unwell.  Find out more about coming to campus on the UniMelb coming to campus page.

Book binding workshop UMSU Library Book Binding Workshop
1st August 2pm - 4pm
Rowden White Library, Level 3 Student Pavilion, 162 Monash Rd
Learn how to stitch together your own handmade book!