Student Representative Network

Interested in the quality of your education?

2025 SRN positions are currently OPEN!

Have you ever wondered who makes the decisions that dictate what you study in your course, who teaches you, how many students there are in your class and how long the exam period is? Have you ever had issues with any of these things and wondered if there’s a way to change them? Then the Student Representative Network (SRN) is the place for you.

The SRN is a group of students that care about their education and want a say in the decision-making process. Students sit as voting student representatives on a University Committee and have a say in all the decisions made. If you'd like to know more about the scope of each University Committee with UMSU represenation, please scroll down to the links below!

Students are supported by Student Governance Training provided by the UMSU Advocacy and Legal Department to understand and contribute to committees. The SRN holds regular meetings throughout the semester, during which Student Representatives report back on the issues discussed in their committee meetings and seek advice and input from other student representatives, to work towards positive change for all students.

The SRN provides a great opportunity for students to get more involved in their University experience, have a say and enact change.

Interested? Apply for a position on the 2025 SRN via the form below. Applications close 28th February, 11:59pm.

Policies and Procedures:

SRN Policy: SRN_Policy_18Dec2020

For more information, please contact your student representatives:

Full list of SRN Positions:

Academic Board Sub-Committees:
Senior Executive Sub-Committees:
Property and Campus Services Committees:
Course Standing Committees:
  • Bachelor of Arts Course Standing Committee
  • Bachelor of Biomedicine Course Standing Committee
  • Bachelor of Science Course Standing Committee
Faculty Boards and Committees:

Faculty Boards committees may initiate and make suggestions to the Deans, as well as respond to and make comments on advice provided by the Deans on a range of issues. Some Faculty Boards are filled by the individual faculties and UMSU fills the committees listed above. 

Application Form

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