2022 Anti-Poverty Week


Are you struggling with meeting your basic needs? Don't worry! We've compiled a list of resources in areas of housing, food, and welfare as a starting point to help out.


Tenants Victoria is a Not for Profit that aims to inform and educate renters about their rights, improve renting conditions, improve the status of renters and represent the collective interests of renters in law and policy making.  


If you need further help with renting or other legal issues, please contact the UMSU Legal Service for free legal help here:


The Renters and Housing Union (RAHU) is a member-run union that collectively organises for the rights of renters, homeowners, and people in insecure housing. They fight for rights to safe and secure housing, through self-advocacy, education, and eviction defence.


The University of Melbourne also offers Temporary Accommodation through their Accommodation avenues, as well as recommendations for Short Term accommodation.


The City of Melbourne also offers services and support for International Students. One of these is The Couch – International Student Centre, which is organised alongside Salvation Army Melbourne’s Project 614. You can find their Facebook or their Instagram here.


Just Food Collective is a Not for Profit that argues at healthy food is a human right. They provide useful resources, information and campaign material surrounding the idea of ‘food justice’.



UMSU Legal has a free financial counselling service for all UniMelb students who are struggling with debts, or who want more control over their financial situation.

UMSU Legal Financial Counselling:


Victoria Legal Aid offers legal representation, family dispute resolution and non-legal advocacy to people in need. This service is needs-based.