UHT Awards

UHT Award Nominations for 2024 are OPEN! 🎉



🎬 Outstanding Direction

A show that was coherent, had an incredible vision and made us all say out loud "Holy smoke, that was sensational!" Send them some award nomination love right now!

🎭 Outstanding Performance

Someone who adapted their character in the truest way possible, showed great dance moves, shined with that ‘X factor’ or stunned with their ability to captivate the crowd. Gold Logie Worthy (or better, UHT Award Worthy)?!

💡Outstanding Lighting Design

Did a production you saw (or designed) shine a little light on things in an artistic and cohesive way? Could you see what you needed to see (and disguise what you didn’t!) Was there razzle and dazzle? Celebrate the designer behind it – put in a nom today.

🎼 Outstanding Sound Design

A good sound design lifts the emotional impact of a production. Did you/ someone you know create a sound design so great it made an audience member jump out of their seats or made them burst into tears? Nominate them!

🥁 Outstanding Music (Exciting new category)

Here's an award to recognise the incredible musical directors, composers and bands - whether its recreating the magic of an existing song, or composing an original altogether - these musical legends know how to add musical magic to a show.

👨🏽‍🎤 Outstanding Costume/ Hair & Make-up

A costume, hair and make-up design so great, it made Hollywood sit up and take notice! Or just the audience at UHT! Both are excellent and award nom worthy. Do it!

🌇 Outstanding Set Design

Did a production's set design transform the theatres? Did the designer use flats and screws like you’d never believe?! Whether it was a grand & ambitious set or there were a few clever pieces that brought the world of the play to life - a good set can do wonders! Nominate your favourite set designer.

◼️ Outstanding Backstage Crew

Here's an appreciation for the quickest, smartest backstage crew. Reward your favourite stage manger/ production manager/ backstage crew for creating a show as smooth as Italian gelato.

💃 Outstanding Dance & Choreography

Did you see a dance piece so beautiful that it made you gasp? Or perhaps, a dance number made you want to get up from your seats and dance along. Whether it was a solo dance or an ensemble performance, celebrate your choreographer & dancer friends by sending them a nomination!

📱Marketing Genius

Did you or someone you know make super exciting creative content and took your show marketing to a whole new level? Send them a like!

🐣 Emerging Artist

For those new to theatre/art/creativity, this award is for you or someone you know.

🐾 Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Did you or a student theatre group you know present a work/ do something that no one expected? Or perhaps someone started a new theatre group altogether! This award is for those who made brave choices this year!

🤝 Ensemble

This award is for an ensemble or collective of artists, who have discovered the power of communal creativity and shared practice, and are working as a team and performing together. Nominate them! Go Team Go!

🤹🏼 The Skilful Show Juggler

Do you or someone you know have their calendars full with shows across various student theatre groups? Maybe that sounds like it was you! Publicity officer one day, set designer the next but still manage to get it all done and doing an awesome job along the way. Nominate. Nominate. Nominate.

✨New Work

Did you or someone write a new work, devise a new movement piece or perhaps thought of an idea of a multi-day immersive experience? Whether it was a brain-dump, a few pages of dialogue or a complete work, we want to celebrate those creative people who have created new work!
