
Student Theatre Grants

Student Theatre Grants acknowledget the important role student theatre plays in the cultural life of the University by providing support for student theatre and performing arts on campus and enriching the ecology of student theatre on campus. The Student Theatre Grant Program offers funding to student theatre groups and individuals to encourage diversity and activation of student theatre.

Student Theatre Grants is funded by the Student Services Amenities Fee (SSAF).

Click here for full details and to apply.

Access Grants

Affiliated Student Theatre Groups can apply for funds to assist you to make your work accessible. Discuss your idea / application with the UHT Artistic Director before applying.
Email to make a time.
For more information about Access please see here.
To apply, use the Student Theatre Grant process click here.

UMSU Creative Arts Grants

You can apply for grants (up to $500) from UMSU Creative Arts.
Whether you’re directing three musicals or curating an exhibition on dogs – you can apply for funding through this grants program.

Click here for more info.

UMSU Student Initiative Grants (SIGs)

Do you have an idea that will make the University of Melbourne student experience even better than it already is? SIGs are open to all students studying at the University of Melbourne, where students can be granted up to $1,000 to get their initiative started.
Applications are available year round and the approval comes from Students’ Council.

Click here for more info.