Get Involved

Come along to our weekly Enviro Collective meetings to find out about all the opportunities, campaigns, events, and initiatives we have coming up!

Check out our Facebook page for events and regular updates on how to get involved with the Department.

Join our Facebook group to be a part of the decision-making and behind-the-scenes processes, planning, and strategy.

If you want to find out more about how to get involved, you’re always welcome to pop by the Enviro Office on Level 1, Union House.

Or simply email us (Ann and James)


The Environment Department isn’t the only environment and social justice-related group on campus, and we’d love to introduce you to the others. Not only that, but Melbourne has some awesome groups who deserve your friendship:

Here is a list of some of the campaigns the Enviro Collective is involved in and supports, with links to information about how you can get involved too! If in doubt, just send an email to us and ask us anything about the campaigns so we can help point you in the right direction.

Australian Student Environment Network (ASEN)

A network comprised of campus environment collectives and students and young people all over the continent committed to taking action for a just and sustainable future, ASEN is open to anyone and everyone who cares about environmental and social justice. We hold the Students of Sustainability conference/festival every year, as well as potluck nights, social get-togethers, crafternoons, and actions throughout the year as VicSEN (Victorian Students Enviro Network), one of the State branches of ASEN.

Friends of the Earth

Regent Honeyeater Project

Situated in Victoria’s High Country, the project consists of a number of regular and occasional volunteers dedicated to re-planting habitat for critically endangered native wildlife, the foremost of which is the Regent Honeyeater. The Enviro Collective often has weekend road-trips to Benalla to get out of the city and assist with revegetation.

Frontline Action on Coal (FLAC)

A grassroots group committed to community-led, non-violent direct action to support community and grassroots groups on the front line of dangerous fossil fuel development and expansions, through solidarity, training and resources.

Whistleblowers, Activists, and Citizens Alliance (WACA)

A decentralised organising group of grassroots activists dedicated to using nonviolent direct action to prevent injustice on social, political, and environmental issues. You might remember them as the people who interrupted question time by glueing themselves to the banister in protest of the Federal Government’s inhumane cruelty towards refugees and asylum seekers.

Goongerah Environment Centre (GECO)

A grassroots community group based in Far East Gippsland endeavouring to protect our precious endangered native forests in Victoria, using a variety of tactics like citizen science and surveying, nonviolent direct action, political lobbying, education, and awareness-raising.


A movement of young First Nations organisers working on grassroots campaigns affecting Indigenous sovereignty, climate, and land rights issues across the country. Affiliated with Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC), who have a club branch at Melbourne Uni.

Market Forces

Campaigns to pressure financial institutions, governments, and individuals to withdraw both explicit and implicit monetary support from fossil fuel projects to ensure a safe climate future; this includes superannuation, banks, investors, etc. Market Forces is always looking for ways to exploit the dirty links between money and climate change in order to lobby politicians and businesses to withdraw their funding and damage the social license of big polluters.

Stop Adani

A collective of organisations and grassroots campaigners fighting to stop the Adani coal mine in Queensland’s Galilee Basin. would be the largest coal mine in the world, on Wangan and Jagalingou land against the express wishes of the Indigenous Traditional Owners, directly polluting the Great Barrier Reef, and fueling climate change.

Frack Free NT

A huge collective of First Nations people, farmers, families, scientists, young people, and more, all standing against government attempts to conduct unconventional gas extraction operations throughout the Northern Territory, threatening sacred land, and the Territory’s water, climate, and food sources.