
Make theatre and lots of friends!

Find your creative passion with Union House Theatre’s extensive program of shows, workshops, and professional pathways. Become more confident and expressive while you develop your on-stage and off-stage skills.
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What's on

Find out about workshops, shows and all that's happening at Union House Theatre.


Next up in the theatre:

2nd October 7:30pm - 5th October 9pm
Guild Theatre, Level 2 Arts and Cultural Building BN 159), University of Melbourne 3010
Nothing... Really nothing. Nothing... Nothing at all. NOTHING TURNED OUT LIKE I THOUGHT IT WOULD!
UHT | Guild Fringe
Two hands coming out of a purple curtain, squeezing the curtain, as if holding/ hugging an invisible body. Body Talks
3rd October 4pm - 6pm
Guild Theatre, Level 2 Arts and Cultural Building (Building 159), Parkville campus
An afternoon of moving conversations about dance, choreography and the body.
UHT | Guild Fringe
A woman wearing a green top and black skirt bent over to the left, photographed from behind. They are facing a white background. Pictures & Ghosts
9th October 7:30pm - 12th October 8:30pm
Guild Theatre, Level 2 Arts and Cultural Building (Building 159), Parkville campus
A contemplative dance performance that moves you from stark photographic memory to nostalgia.
UHT | Guild Fringe
Two women wearing colourful clothes and stand facing the left hand side of the room, against a bright orange background. Their arms are slightly lifted, showcasing 'small movements'. Small Movements
10th October 6:15pm - 11th October 7pm
Guild Theatre, Level 2 Arts and Cultural Building (Building 159), Parkville campus
Tiny gems, performed quietly on a small stage.
UHT | Guild Fringe