Register a Student Theatre Group


Affiliation is FREE and affiliated theatre groups are entitled to the following services:

  • Access to rehearsal spaces
  • Locker Hire
  • Access to Set Building Workshop and guidance from UHT's Stage Carpenter
  • You can apply for Theatre Board and Creative Arts Committee grants
  • You can hire the Guild Theatre and the Union Theatre at a subsidised student rate
  • As a venue hirer you will have access to support from the UHT staff for your projects
  • Access to UMSU’s Public Liability Insurance for both on-site and off-site activities (only granted once affiliation and risk assessment has been approved by UHT)

To affiliate, you need to submit:

  1. Office Bearer details: All three office bearers must be current University of Melbourne students. A student cannot be an Office Bearer in more than one theatre group. All 3 Office Bearers need to submit valid Working with Children Checks.
  2. The group’s Membership list: Please fill the membership template before filling the affiliation form. Please note that the group must consist of at least 10 University of Melbourne students (3 office bearers + 7 general members). 
  3. The group’s Constitution (Model Constitution provided) adopted by the Office Bearers.
  4. A bank statement from an account in the theatre group’s name (or your college student club’s name). The account must have a minimum balance of $25

Important documents to read before filling out Affiliation form:

1. Model Constitution- Your student theatre group must have a constitution that meets the criteria outlined in the Regulations. You can refer to our model consitution and if it suits your theatre group's needs, you can upload it directly to the form. If you wish to make additions, send them to before uploading on to the form, as these will need to be approved by Union House Theatre first. 

Affiliation forms for 2025 will be open soon. Once this has been submitted you will need to fill in an Affiliation Risk Assessment - Word Doc 

Please read this important information about Student Theatre Group Public Liability Insurance

Please note:

  • Affiliation is current until December 31st of each year.
  • You must re-affiliate each year in order to continue to receive benefits.
  • You can become an affiliated Student Theatre Group at any point of the year.
  • Existing groups must re-affiliate by Week 3 of Semester 1. After this, you won’t be able to book rooms with your STG status until you are affiliated.

Please contact or 8344 6975 with any questions.