
The UMSU Sexual Harm and Response Coordinators run workshops with students at the University on Bystander Intervention and Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Assault and Harassment.

If you are interested in participating in a training please fill out the registration form below. 


Clubs & Societies Training:

These workshops are designed for student leaders and cover how to be an active bystander and step in when you see problematic behaviour. They also cover how to support a peer who has experienced sexual violence. Workshops are two hours in length.

Workshops are compulsory for:

  • For clubs with less than 100 members: 1 committee member to attend
  • For clubs with more than 100 members: 2 committee members  to attend
  • For clubs holding camps: 1 in 20 student leaders need to have undertaken this training before their camp. 

Workshops have resumed for semester 1, 2024. Additional workshops will be run in Semester 2, 2024. Details will be published over the winter break and announced via the Clubs and Societies Newsletter. 

Please register via this form.


I'm a GSA Grad Group Leader can I participate?
Yes! UMSU is collaborating with the GSA to deliver these workshops to graduate students. Please register using the form above.

I'm not a Club and Society leader but would like to participate.
Any student at the University of Melbourne can register and participate.

Are there any exemptions for UMSU Clubs and Societies?
If you have completed a similar training and have evidence of this you can send it through to and request an exemption.


If you have any further questions, please contact