This page contains information about scams, including how to recognise and protect yourself from scams, and what to do if you think you have been the victim of a scam.
The key to protecting yourself from scams is prevention, rather than cure. Once you have lost money to a scam, it is usually very difficult to get your money back. For this reason, you should familiarise yourself with some of the common types of scams.
REMEMBER: if you are not sure whether it is a scam, do some research using the resources on this page before you send any money or give out your personal details.
If you have been the victim of a scam, you can report it on the Scamwatch and ACORN websites. However, these websites are mainly used by the authorities to keep track of scams in Australia. You are still very unlikely to recover any money which has been lost.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties as the result of a scam, we may be able to provide you with financial counselling to help you organise your financial situation and manage debts.
The Little Black Book of Scams
Further resources
Resources to help you identify and protect yourself against scams.
Australian Cyber Security Centre: Report and recover
ASIC’s MoneySmart: Protect yourself from scams
Consumer Affairs Victoria: Scams
Identity theft
Resources to help you if you have had your identity details stolen.
ID Care
Financial counselling
Resources to help you if you are experiencing financial difficulties because of a scam.
National Debt Helpline
UMSU Legal Service: Financial Counselling

The information on this website is not legal advice. It is legal information only. If you are a current University of Melbourne student who requires legal advice, please contact the UMSU Legal Service here.
Last updated: 6 February 2024