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Who are we? 

The UMSU Sexual Harm Response Coordinators are staff who work with the UMSU Advocacy service. They provide confidential and independent support and advice to students about inappropriate behaviour, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.

This could include: 

  • Advice on making a complaint to the University 
  • Support with reporting to the police 
  • Advice to student leaders
  • Support with special consideration and fee remission applications 

Our service charter describes more about what support we provide. 

How do I book an appointment? 

To organise an appointment with us complete our contact form #Contact Form. If you are interested in other services, click here. 

When this form is submitted it will be sent to the UMSU Advocacy Intake Coordinator who will review the information and ensure that one of the Sexual Harm Response Coordinators responds.

Contact Form

DISCLAIMER: If you are in immediate danger please contact Emergency Services (000) or need afterhours support contact the Sexual Assault Crisis Support Line (24/7): 1800 806 292


First Name* 

Last Name* 

Preferred Name 

Email Address* 

Is it safe for you to be contacted by email? 

Phone Number 

Is it safe for you to be contacted by phone? 

Student Number* 

Do you have any disabilities you would like us to know about? Please let us know if we need to make any arrangements for your access to the service. 

How would you prefer to receive advice from us (i.e. via phone or email)?*

What would you like to discuss with the Sexual Harm and Response Coordinators? 

Has what you want to discuss happened within the last two weeks?

Answering this question helps us determine what services are available to you. Some services provide a crisis response to victim/survivors of sexual assault who have been sexually assaulted in the last two weeks.

Upload any supporting documents:

Privacy Statement*

 I agree

The UMSU Sexual Harm and Response Coordinators work within the UMSU Legal and Advocacy division, a department within the University of Melbourne Student Union.

We manage personal and health information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic), the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic), and the Student Union Advocacy Service Confidentiality Policy. The information that we collect assists us to confirm your student status, contact and assist you, and is also aggregated into non-identifying statistics that facilitate our internal planning and review processes.

We hold information on digital and paper based records, and take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information is accurate and complete and protected from misuse, loss, unauthorised access or disclosure. We will not disclose personal or health information to anyone without your permission, or unless permitted, or required by law.

Should you wish to access information that we hold about you at any time, you may request access by emailing the UMSU Advocacy inbox ( The information that we collect is stored securely for seven years and then destroyed. Our privacy policy is available online. By submitting this form, you agree to be bound by this statement.