Our Team


Phoebe - Manager

Phoebe has more than 37 years of experience working in advocacy and social justice in the community sector, with 18 of those years at UMSU. Phoebe has both social work and law qualifications, with Bachelors of Arts and Social Work from Sydney University and Master of Law from ANU. She is a survivor of student politics in the 1980s and has a particular interest in the rights of marginalised and vulnerable workers and students.

Paul - Team Leader

Paul has over 12 years’ experience as an advocate. Over this time, he has assisted students on a vast range of issues, with a particular interest in misconduct matters. Paul also acts as a liaison between the Advocacy Service and the UMSU Student Reps to support them in their representative roles and co-writes the SUAS Service Reports.

Anna - Senior Advocate

Anna was a student advocate at the MSA (Monash Student Association) for 7 years before joining the UMSU team in 2024. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (History) from Monash University and is currently completing a Master of Social Work. Outside of student advocacy, Anna has worked in the mental health sector and has a particular interest and experience working with students with disabilities.

Alanna - Senior Advocate

Alanna has 9 years’ combined experience working in university administration at the ANU, Uni of Melbourne and the Uni of Herts in the UK and 14 years’ experience working as a student advocate: 4 years at Deakin Uni Student Assoc (DUSA) and nearly 10 years at UMSU. She has a B.Teach from Uni of Wollongong and a Master of Social Work from Uni of Melbourne. Alanna has also worked in the community NFP sector and government welfare departments in the UK and Australia.

Nadia - Senior Advocate

Currently on leave.

Michelle - Senior Advocate

Michelle has a combined 20 years’ experience working in the tertiary sector with roles in advocacy, administration, accommodation, pastoral care, and teaching. She has a law degree from La Trobe University and a humanities PhD from ANU where she completed an exchange with Oxford University. She has also worked for the state and federal government on policy and constituent matters and is a Spanish native speaker.

Eloise - Advocate

Eloise has a master’s degree in social work and a background of working with children and families, and with victim-survivors of domestic violence. Eloise joined the Advocacy team in 2023 as the Assessment and Triage Coordinator, moving into an Advocate role in 2024.

Georgia - Assessment & Triage Coordinator

Georgia has a social work background and has worked in both government and community service settings before starting at the Advocacy Service. Georgia is committed to social justice and human rights and is passionate about assisting students to navigate the complex University system.