
The University is committed to providing a safe environment that is free from risks to health and safety. This includes physical, visual, verbal and non-verbal behaviour.

What is bullying?

Bullying is repeated, unreasonable behaviour directed toward a staff member or student, or a group of staff or students by staff members or students that creates a risk to health and safety, including the physical or psychological health of staff or students. This may be obvious and direct, like physical or verbal abuse, or this may be more subtle and indirect, such as spreading rumours, withholding information, or publishing offensive material on social media. Behaviour is considered repeated if an established pattern can be identified and the behaviour persists.

What can I do?

If you want help identifying or reporting bullying, you can contact:

Additionally, the University provides advice and support regarding the implementation of its Appropriate Workplace Behaviour Policy via its Safer Community Program.

UMSU is governed by its own sexual harassment, discrimination and bullying policies and procedures. It is important when you are seeking advice that you indicate if you think a respondent may work for UMSU so you can be advised of the relevant process and gain appropriate assistance.