Working Groups
The General Secretary often convenes a number of different working groups at the direction of Students’ Council to examine internal UMSU policy and regulations. While some working groups have defined memberships and closed meetings, many working groups have meetings open to all students. Check this page for updates and information about these working groups.
If you’re interested in any of these working groups and want to receive information about them, please email
Working Groups in 2024

Constitution, Regulations and Policy Working Group (CRPWG)
This working group will examine the current Constitution, Regulations and Policy of UMSU and review and recommend any changes that may be needed.
Membership is open to all students. Please fill out this form if you would like to join the 2024 CRPWG, so you can receive relevant papers and updates.
The Terms of Reference was endorsed by Students’ Council in March 2023. According to the ToR, the role of the Constitution, Regulation and Policy Working Group (CRPWG) is:
- The ongoing oversight and review of UMSU regulations and organisational policies, ensuring policies are reviewed and updated within their timeframes
- To make recommendations to Student’s Council pertaining to proposed changes to the constitution, regulation and where relevant organisational policies of UMSU,
- To hear requests for the development or implementation of new regulations or policy,
- To, where applicable and when judged appropriate, seek legal advice regarding proposed changes to the constitution, regulations or policy, or else where clarification of constitution, regulation or policy contents are required or is requested,
- Other matters such that the CRPWG may see fit.
All of the above will be considered with regard to independent legal advice.
Should you wish to submit proposals for Constitutional change to the CRPWG please find the relevant template attached
Next Meeting:
CRPWG Meeting 1(24) will be held at 11am, Friday 31-May-2024 in Room 201, Level 2, Building 168.
Working Groups in 2022
UMSU Strategic Planning Working Group (USPWG)
In early 2022 Students’ Council accepted the following recommendation of the 2021 Governance review at UMSU:
As the governing body of UMSU, every 3-5 years Students’ Council should engage in a strategic planning process that involves UMSU senior management and university stakeholders to develop a clear, well-researched, strategic plan that sets out broad goals and establishes priorities for the organisation.
In 2022, with a new three-year funding agreement from 2023, Council needs to commence the process of developing a new strategic plan for UMSU that takes account of the move into the Student Precinct, the organisation’s current priorities, and a new SSAF allocation model, among other things.
Membership of the USPWG is open to all Members of Students’ Council (voting and non-voting), and all Members may attend meetings of the USPWG and speak.
The Terms of Reference are here.
Constitution, Regulations and Policy Working Group (CRPWG)
On the the 17th of February 2022, Students’ Council endorsed a Terms of Reference for a working group to examine the current Constitution, Regulations and Policy of UMSU and review and recommend any changes that may be needed.
Membership is open to all students and meetings are convened by the General Secretary.
The role of the Constitution, Regulation and Policy Working Group (CRPWG) is:
- To examine recommendations from the 2021 Governance Audit Report accepted by
- the Students’ Council;
- To submit proposed changes to the Students' Council for review, and;
- Other matters such that the CRPWG may see fit.
All of the above will be considered with regard to independent legal advice.
Should you wish to submit proposals for Constitutional change to the CRPWG please find the relevent template attached
CRPWG Minutes 1(22) - 3/03/2022
CRPWG Minutes 2(22) - 17/03/2022
CRPWG Minutes 3(22) - 14/04/2022
CRPWG Minutes 4(22) - 21/04/22
CRPWG Minutes 5(22) - 28/04/22
CRPWG Minutes 6(22) - 05/05/22
CRPWG Minutes 7(22) - 26/05/22 unconfirmed
Ethical Sponsorship Working Group (ESWG)
In March 2018, Students’ Council endorsed a Terms of Reference for a working group to set up an Ethical Sponsorship Register for UMSU.
Membership of this working group is open to all University of Melbourne students. Meetings are held monthly, or as required.
The role of the Working Group is broadly to:
- identify the values and ethical commitments UMSU holds;
- establish the role of UMSU in maintaining ethical standards of conduct, with a focus on UMSU as a values-based organisation, and the expectations of outside sponsors for the same;
- establish a register, consistent with the Financial regulations and other relevent policy, surrounding ethical sponsorship at UMSU;
- establish what does and does not constitute unethical behaviour, and to set firm limits on outside sponsors exhibiting such behaviours;
- consider the effects of ethical sponsorships and partnerships of UMSU on the wider community;
- advise on further matters relating to ethical sponsorship at UMSU.
The most up to date version of the Ethical Sponsorship regiser is here.
Working Groups in 2021
Constitution, Regulations and Policy Working Group (CRPWG)
On the the 11th of December 2021, Students’ Council endorsed a Terms of Reference for a working group to examine the current Constitution, Regulations and Policy of UMSU and review and recommend any changes that may be needed.
Membership is open to all students, and meetings are convened fortnightly during semester at 11am on Monday
The role of the working group, as per the the Terms of Reference, is:
- To provide discussion and strategies regarding the creation of policy, regulation and Constitutional clauses;
- To identify issues and matters of concern in currently existing documents, and to address them;
- To submit proposed changes to Students’ Council for review;
- To examine, specifically:
- Terms 6.3 (b), 6.5(a), 6.8(d), 10.3(a) of the Constitution, specifically noted as problematic in the UMSU x UMSUI agreement
- Affirmative action, particularly the introduction of Affirmative action for People of Colour and non-binary students
- The structure of the Southbank department and payment of of certain elected positions
- The relationship between the Constitution, regulations and policy;
- The Electoral Regulations;
- The relationship between Students’ Council and Autonomous departments
- The impact of proposed Publishing Regulations,
- The overall structure of the Constitution and;
- Other matters such that the CRPWG may see fit.
Translation Working Group (TWG)
On the 5th of February 2021, Students’ Council endorsed a Terms of Reference for a working group to examine how and when UMSU translates its materials.
As per the Terms of Reference, the role of the working group is to:
- Devise a methodology for the determination of demand among students for translated materials;
- Use data collected from students via this process, and established best practice guidelines in the Not for Profit and community sector to determine
- what materials should be translated by UMSU; and
- which languages will be used in translations;
- what type of translation services should be used
- Notwithstanding student demand for translated materials, determine by means of established best practice guidelines, what benefit there might be to translating certain UMSU materials regardless of demand;
- Investigate and report on any other matters related to translation of UMSU materials as directed by Students’ Council;
- Recommend to Students’ Council whether policy is required to govern the translation process, and the matters that the policy should address; and
- Compile a report of these findings and make recommendations to Students’ Council matters relating to translation at UMSU;
Membership of this working group is:
- General Secretary (Chair)
- President
- Chief Executive Officer
- President, UMSU International
- People of Colour Officers
- Principal Lawyer, Legal Service
- Manager,Communications,Marketing and Events Division
Meetings occur monthly during semester.
Minutes 1(21)
Working Groups in 2018
Policy and Procedure Framework Working Group (PPFWG)
On the 6th of March, 2018, Students’ Council endorsed a Terms of Reference for a working group to examine a potential Policy and Procedure Framework for UMSU.
Membership of this working group is open to all University of Melbourne students. Meetings are held at least monthly.
The role of the working group, as per the Terms of Reference, is:
- To clearly delineate the role of regulations, policies, procedures and guidelines in UMSU and as per the Constitution, and to establish within a potential framework that clear distinction to aid in document creation;
- To design a framework, and the guiding principles it follows;
- To appropriately designate policies, procedures and guidelines to specific areas within this framework, and to provide guidance to stakeholders as to the content of these documents;
- To identify areas of activity that are not currently covered by UMSU policy or regulation, for contemplation and inclusion in a framework;
- To enable current and future stakeholders to modify and update policy, procedure and guidelines as needed, in a planned, non-ad hoc way, including the ownership and oversight of specific policies, procedures and guidelines; and
- Other matters such that the PPFWG may see fit.
Week |
Date |
Time |
Location |
Agenda |
3 |
Friday the 16th of March |
2pm |
OB Space, Level One, Union House |
Agenda |
Before 7 |
Agenda |
Harm Reduction Working Group (HRWG)
On the 22nd of March, 2018, Students’ Council endorsed a Terms of Reference for a working group to examine Harm Reduction as it applies to UMSU.
Membership of this working group is open to all University of Melbourne students. Meetings are held monthly.
The role of the Working Group, as per the Terms of Reference, is:
- To examine the current Harm Reduction Procedure proposed and to assess its efficacy, with a view to presenting it to the University of Melbourne (“the University”)
- To amend or reform the Procedure to address last concerns of note of the University;
- To provide discussion and develop strategies for broader harm reduction programs in UMSU;
- To identify matters of concern within both UMSU’s and the University’s frameworks and policies that hinder harm reduction, and to amend or campaign to amend these frameworks and policies, respectively;
- To assist in the promotion of and education regarding harm reduction to students;
- To monitor and identify emerging risks related to drugs on campus, and to develop strategies in addressing them; and
- Other matters such that the HRWG may see fit.
Week |
Date |
Time |
Location |
Agenda |
6 |
Thursday the 12th of April |
2pm |
OB Space, Level One, Union House |
Agenda |
Use and Control of Student Data Working Group (UCSDWG)
On the 10th of July, 2018, Students’ Council endorsed a Terms of Reference for a working group to examine the Use and Control of Student Data.
Membership of this working group is open to all University of Melbourne students. Meetings are held as called.
The Education Academic Office Bearers are responsible for the calling and conduct of the UCSDWG.
The role of the Working Group, as per the Terms of Reference, is:
- to arrive at a Statement of Principles on the ethical and transparent storage, access to, and control of, student data for adoption by Students’ Council as a position of UMSU;
- if it deems fit, to produce (or assist the Education Office-bearers in producing) a position paper, statement, or other product in addition to and based on the Statement of Principles setting out how UMSU believes the University should use student data, and forming the basis of representations UMSU makes to the University on student data;
- if it deems fit, to develop a framework for an UMSU Use of Data policy, or identifying best practice UMSU should otherwise adopt respecting UMSU’s own collection, use, and policies respecting use of student data, should aspects of UMSU’s own operations appear to contradict any of the principles determined under [point one].
Week |
Date |
Time |
Location |
Agenda |
3 |
Thursday the 9th of August |
3pm |
Training Room 1, Third Floor, Union House |
Working Groups in 2017
Constitutional, Regulation & Policy Working Group
After the initial successs of the 2016 Working Group, a 2017 Working Group combining constitution, regulations and policy together was established by the General Secretary.
On the 13th of March 2017, a Terms of Reference for this Working Group was established as the code in which this working group would act under.
Membership to this working group is open to all University of Melbourne Students.
The meetings for the Constitution, Regulation and Policy Working Group are scheduled as followed:
Week |
Date |
Time |
Location |
Agenda |
3 |
Monday 13th of March 2017 |
1pm |
OB Space, L1, Union House |
Agenda 1 |
5 |
Monday 27th of March 2017 |
1pm |
OB Space, L1, Union House |
Agenda 2 |
7 |
Monday 10th of April 2017 |
1pm |
OB Space, L1, Union House |
Agenda 3 |
9 |
Monday 1st of May 2017 |
1pm |
OB Space, L1, Union House |
11 |
Monday 15th of May 2017 |
1pm |
OB Space, L1, Union House |
As according to the initial Working Group the items for discussion will surround:
- The Victorian College of the Arts and its merging with the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music
- Cleaning up affirmative action in specific circumstances
- Honoraria of Student Office Bearers
- Electoral Regulations
- A regulation for Students’ Councillors and Committee members
- A regulation for Working Groups
- Joint offices and whether they should be considered co-offices
- The changes to MUSUL areas of the constitution
- Outlining roles and responsibilities of the Education department sub groups
- Reporting reviews
Minutes of the 2017 Constitution, Regulation & Policy Working Group
Minutes of the 2016 Constitutional Working Group
Minutes of the 2016 Regulation & Policy Working Group
Orientation Working Group
The General Secretary established a Working Group for feedback and policy writing about Orientation. Its main function would be to explore new policy ideas, revisiting old models, and trying to find the most effective way to create a Orientation program that students enjoy.
Membership to this working group is open to all University of Melbourne Students.
The meetings for the Orientation Working Group are scheduled as followed:
Week |
Date |
Time |
Location |
Agenda |
4 |
Monday 20th of March 2017 |
1pm |
OB Space, L1, Union House |
6 |
Monday 3rd of April 2017 |
1pm |
OB Space, L1, Union House |
8 |
Monday 24th of April 2017 |
1pm |
OB Space, L1, Union House |
10 |
Monday 8th of May 2017 |
1pm |
OB Space, L1, Union House |
12 |
Monday 22nd of May 2017 |
1pm |
OB Space, L1, Union House |
Harm Reduction Working Group
The General Secretary established a Working Group as a formal space to continue discussions around Harm Reduction and Drug Testing Kits on campus. After conversations with Students for Sensible Drug Policy, Legal & Advocacy and the Communications division of UMSU, it was believed that an official working group should be established for all groups to attend. The General Secretary will be taking this group to Students’ Council for official establishment.
Membership to this working group is open to all University of Melbourne Students.
The first meeting for the Harm Reduction Working Group will be held on the 4th of April 2017 at 2pm. On the 4th of April 2017, the working group approved these Terms of Reference.
Meeting 1(17) – 4/4/2017
Agenda 1
Minutes 1
Ethical Sponsorship Working Group (ESWG)
The ESWG was established by the following resolution of meeting 2(17) of Students Council on the 7th of December 2016.
While the main focus of the policy is to prevent companies like Commonwealth Bank from being able to advertise on campus during times like O-week, the working group will explore other ways that UMSU and the University engages with companies that we consider unethical or unsustainable.To move that a working group to investigate and develop policy around the promotion of unsustainable and unethical companies on campus be formed
Moved: Kate Denver-Stevenson Seconded: Lizzie Nicholson
On the 15th of March 2017, a Terms of Reference was approved by consensus at the working group.
The upcoming meetings of the Ethical Sponsorship Working Group are as followed:
Week |
Date |
Time |
Location |
Agenda |
3 |
Wednesday 15th of March 2017 |
2pm |
OB Space, L1, Union House |
Agenda 1
UMSU Ethical Sponsorship Policy – Draft (V1)
5 |
Wednesday 29th of March 2017 |
2pm |
OB Space, L1, Union House |
Agenda 2(17) |
7 |
Wednesday 12th of April 2017 |
2pm |
OB Space, L1, Union House |
Agenda 3
UMSU Ethical Sponsorship Policy – Draft (V2)
9 |
Wednesday 3rd of May 2017 |
2pm |
OB Space, L1, Union House |
12 |
Wednesday 24th of May 2017 |
2pm |
OB Space, L1, Union House |
The membership of the Working Group is as follows:
- Lizzie Nicholson & Kate Denver-Stevenson (Environment Officers)
- 2 additional Office Bearers OR Student Councillors
- Esther Semo (Advertising & Sponsorship Officer, UMSU Communications)
- Any student interested in attending this working group is welcome to attend
Minutes from 2017
Minutes from 2016
Music Working Group (MWG)
The MWG was established by the following resolution of meeting 2(17) of Students Council on the 7th of March 2017.
That UMSU Students’ Council endorses the creation of a Music Culture on Campus Working Group.
This Working Group will report back to council when the Terms of Reference have been discussed and decided upon by the Working Group
Mover: Yasmine Luu (Chair)
A Terms of Reference was approved by consensus at the working group, this Terms of Reference has not been approved by Students’ Council as of yet.
The Music Working Group meets on Tuesdays at 12pm on odd weeks (Week 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11), and Thursdays at 2pm on even weeks (Week 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12).
Apollo Health Music SocietyThe membership of the working Group will comprise of members of the UMSU music clubs:
- Biomedicine Students’ Orchestra
- Chinese Music Group
- Choral Society
- Engineering Music Society
- Music Students’ Society
- Ring of Choir Also;
As well as,
- The UMSU President or nominee
- The UMSU General Secretary or nominee
- The UMSU Activities Officers
- The VCA Coordinator
- The UMSU Creative Arts Officers
Minutes from 2017
- Minutes 1(17) – 28/2/2017
- Minutes 2(17) – 9/3/2017
- Minutes 3(17) – 14/3/2017
- Minutes 4(17) – CANCELLED
- Minutes 5(17) – 30/3/2017 (moved to Thursday)
National Union of Students Working Group (NUSWG)
At Students’ Council meeting 3(17) on the 24th of January 2017, elected Delegates for the National Union of Students National Conference submitted reports that included recommendations to create a National Union of Students Working Group. These recommendations were made by Sinead Manning and Yan Zhuang, NUS Delegates as well as Education (Public Affairs) Officer and President respectively.
These recommendations are outlined below:
Yan Zhuang – I believe the NUS needs serious reform if it’s to have any hope of credibility. In the coming year, UMSU needs to determine how it continues to engage with NUS, and to that end, I’d like to recommend that UMSU establish a NUS working group, with the aim of exploring both the most effective ways of engaging with the NUS in order to make our voice heard, and possibilities for reforming the NUS. The working group should contain the the following members: the UMSU President and General Secretary, the seven NUS delegates elected for Natcon 2016 and the NUS Campus representative. A system should also be put in place to allow other students to voice their opinions, potentially through a submission process.
Sinead Manning – That Students Council establish an NUS Working Group. This group will consist of the University of Melbourne’s campus rep as a non-voting member, and Chair; this year’s delegates, the UMSU General Secretary or nominee, and President or nominee and one representative of the autonomous departments of UMSU as voting members. Members of NUS Executive who are also University of Melbourne Students are non-voting members of the Working Group. The purpose of the working group would be to examine the continuing relationship between UMSU and the NUS before presenting Students Council with a report of their findings in six months.
After these recommendations were voiced and after much discussion which can be found in the Minutes for Meeting 3 of 2017 the following motion was passed:
To accept Sinead Manning’s NUS Delegate report, and recommendations listed here: That Students Council lobbies the NUS National Conference to allow student media to film proceedings, with an opt-out option during autonomous chapters. That Students Council support and work alongside Caleb Triscari in his role as Campus Representative. That Students Council establish an NUS Working Group. The purpose of the working group would be to examine the continuing relationship between UMSU and the NUS before presenting Students Council with a report of their findings in six months.
Mover: Sinead Manning Seconder: Yasmine Luu
On the 16th of February 2017, a Terms of Reference was approved by consensus at the working group.
The membership of the Working Group is as follows:
- the University of Melbourne’s campus rep as a non-voting member and Chair;
- this year’s NUS delegates (elected at the 2016 election) as voting members.
- the UMSU General Secretary or nominee as a voting member
- the UMSU President or nominee as a voting member
- one representative of the UMSU autonomous departments as a voting member
- one representative from the UMSU Environment Department as a voting member
- Members of NUS Executive who are also University of Melbourne Students are non-voting members of the Working Group.
Minutes from 2017
Accessibility Action Plan Working Group (AAP)
The AAPWG was established by the following resolution of meeting 6(16) of Students’ Council, and is chaired by Susan Hewitt.
Motion 6: That the DAP working group consist of the Disabilities OBs (or nominees), Disability Rep on Council, President or nominees and 2 Staff representatives (GM’s nominees)
Mover: James Bashford
Seconder: James Baker
The membership of the Working Group is as follows:
- Cassandra Prigg & Alston Chu (Disabilities OBs)
- Michael Bhatti (Students with Disabilities Representative on Students’ Council)
- Yan Zhuang (President)
- Susan Hewitt (CHAIR) & Stephanie Dibattista (Staff Nominees)
The first meeting was held on June 21st with the next meeting to be held on Thursday the 20th of April 2017, at 3pm. The agenda can be found here.